.. _mysql-operator: MySQL ----- The MySQL operator feeds artifacts into a single MySQL table. The table defined in the config will be created if it does not exist. The columns in the table are: 1. ``artifact``: Artifact content (``example.com``, ````, etc). 1. ``artifact_type``: Artifact type (``domain``, ``yarasignature``, etc). 2. ``reference_link``: URL of the source tweet, blog post, etc. 3. ``reference_text``: Tweet text, snippet from a blog post, etc. 4. ``created_date``: MySQL DATETIME. 5. ``state``: For external use, always ``NULL``. You can use this to keep track of the current investigation status of artifacts, if you so choose. Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``module`` (required): ``mysql`` * ``host`` (required): Database host. * ``port``: Database port (default: 3306). * ``user`` (required): Database user (must have table create permission, or insert permission on the existing artifacts table defined below). * ``password``: Password for ``user``. * ``table`` (required): Artifacts table (will be created if it does not exist; must follow the required schema). Example Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following example assumes MySQL credentials have already been configured in the ``credentials`` section of the config, like this: .. code-block:: yaml credentials: - name: mysql-auth host: MYHOST port: MYPORT user: MYUSER password: MYPASSWORD database: MYDATABASE Inside the ``operators`` section of your configuration file: .. code-block:: yaml - name: my-db module: mysql credentials: mysql-auth table: artifacts