Source Plugins

For each source specified, ThreatIngestor handles artifact import. Sources may link to Twitter, Blogs, etc. Artifacts are imported from those sources and could include URLs, IP Addresses, YARA Signatures, etc. All source plugins maintain state between runs, allowing them to skip previously processed artifacts and get right to work finding new indicators.

To add a source to your configuration file, include a section like this:

  - name: mysource
    module:  mysourcemodule

You can add as many sources as you need, all under the same sources: list.

  - name: mysource
    module: mysourcemodule

  - name: myothersource
    module: mysourcemodule

Note the use of dashes to signify the start of each item in the list, and matching indentation for all the keys within each item.

The module option must match one of the sources listed below, or your custom source. The name is freeform.

All sources allow credentials such as usernames, passwords, OAuth tokens, etc to be defined in a seperate credentials section and referenced by name with a credentials keyword. Consider a plugin that accepts a token and a secret. In config.yml, you would set it up the credentials and sources sections like this:

  - name: mysource-auth
    token: MYTOKEN
    secret: MYSECRET

  - name: mysource
    credentials: mysource-auth

This allows the same credentials to be reused for several different sources (or operators) without having to duplicate them in each source definition.